De la mano de Shanblue, llega otro videojuego español a WiiWare. El 31 de diciembre estará disponible en Europa, en en próximas fechas hará su aparición también en EEUU. Magic Destiny -Astrological games- es un tÃtulo basado en minijuegos bajo la temática astrológica, que cuenta además con una enciclopedia sobre la materia.
En la misma nota de prensa, Shanblue nos anuncia que trabajan en otro tÃtulo, también para WiiWare.
Now I don’t know about this game. But I am sick of games getting the AO raitng it sucks because some bad ass games get taken off store shelfs because people think timmy mite see some boobs how about this mom don’t buy timmy the game and if u are going to say a friend gave it to him how about this take away the system its you who exposed hum to this so in a way you made your own demons or you could teach them responsibility I saw south park the movie when I was 5 my first porno when I was 7 and I did not get in trouble in school I was fine because my parents teached me right from wrong what I am saying is don’t blame the game blame the parents